Dog Won’t Drink Water – It’s a Hot Day!

Hot Day?  Can’t get your dog to drink water?  I’m no vet, I’m a dog lover and my dog LOVES his water.  No joke.  I honestly thought every pooch loved guzzling back a good half litre of water after long walks…

NOT TRUE!  Just this morning, as I stopped to say hello to a fellow dog owner and her dog, she informed me that her dog barely drinks water, it’s more of a chore rather than a pleasure.

My suggestion was to add a small sip of green tea to her dog’s water dish, when they returned home from their leisurely Sunday stroll.

Now, again, I’m no vet, all I know is my dog ~ Van Gogh, LOVES his water.  He’s going on 12 years this summer and he still plays like a puppy (most of the time). He’s always loved his water, and frowns at me if the dish is running low or needs refreshing.  He’s enjoyed sips of green tea since he was around 2-3 months of age.  I don’t give it to him everyday, not even necessarily every week.  Whenever I make green tea for myself (or friends), I’ll add a splash to Gozer’s water dish, too… he’s part of the family, after all.  What happens next?  He stands at his dish and sips like there’s no tomorrow..

So, if you’re having troubles getting your pooch to drink water, try adding some green tea to their bowl.  You never know, they might get excited for their morning drink, before the walk.  Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Warning : I am not a veterinarian, I do not hold a PHD.  This is a suggestion based on personal experiences.  Please know, you are making this decision at your own risk and there are no guarantees your dog will improve by trying this experiment.

Feel free to share this post or comment on your own experiences.

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